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DEFI strategy R&D program supported by European co-funding:

Euronixa e[X]ponential Growth :
- Presentation: 100% crypto fund collateralized with real assets, compartmentalised, audited by an auditor.
- HQ address: 32 AV George V 75008 Paris, France, European Union
- Legal format: SLP / Société de Libre Partenariat (French LP Limited Partnership)

Alternative investment fund for the tokenization of the economy

Find, during 2023, the different compartments from our commercial launch of the alternative active crypto investment fund 100% collateralized thanks to AI technology and smart contracts.
Investment strategy for minority stakes in start-ups in WEB3 projects.
Target acquisition strategy for all shares (companies/startups, crypto funds, social networks/WEB2 in difficulty, purchase/sale of buildings to be renovated).
DeFi Strategy: Automatic mechanism by smartcontracts and algorithm (R&D program):
A. Tax exemption.
B. Diversification.
C. Collateralization
D. Assurance

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