Euronixa e[X]ponential Growth :
- Presentation: 100% crypto fund collateralized with real assets, compartmentalised, audited by an auditor.
- HQ address: 32 AV George V 75008 Paris, France, European Union
- Legal format: SLP / Société de Libre Partenariat (French LP Limited Partnership)
Find, during 2023, the different compartments from our commercial launch of the alternative active crypto investment fund 100% collateralized thanks to AI technology and smart contracts.
Investment strategy for minority stakes in start-ups in WEB3 projects.
Target acquisition strategy for all shares (companies/startups, crypto funds, social networks/WEB2 in difficulty, purchase/sale of buildings to be renovated).
DeFi Strategy: Automatic mechanism by smartcontracts and algorithm (R&D program):
A. Tax exemption.
B. Diversification.
C. Collateralization
D. Assurance